Thursday, September 22, 2022


Ending Wars

    War, what is war? According to, war, in the broader sense, is a conflict between political groups involving hostilities of considerable duration and magnitude. Yes, wars are inevitable because each individual is different, and having different opinions on various matters will always be likely. Having said this, each individual would also resolve each conflict in another way, leaving the other individual or party no choice but to defend themselves from such violence. Another reason war is inevitable is that the powerful take advantage of their power. Being powerful means being assertive, and if people defy a purely assertive person's order, they then have the choice to deal with them violently. A concrete example of how wars are inevitable is that people at any place or time have conflicts that lead to physically hurting one another. 

    Wars are not essential to human survival. How so? If wars were essential, why is everyone trying to achieve or maintain peace if wars were essential to survival? It simply means it was, is, and will never be. Living together and coexisting without conflict is not easy, yet it is possible. In the past, maybe, war was essential due to the scarcity of resources, and the means of easy and convenient communication were not present. However, at present, communication is continuously being improved due to its usefulness and convenience. Despite the ease and convenience of communication, wars still occur. So, how can it be prevented? The most effective method of preventing wars for countless ages is laws. The presence of laws has prevented, intervened, or stopped wars from happening. These laws have prevented the different nations from abusing their power and being disciplined enough not to overstep their boundaries. Within these laws, consequences are present. Consequences enhance the laws and their effectiveness in being followed by the people; this then builds up a sense of responsibility and discipline to abide by the laws for the betterment of themselves and the people around them.

    The first way to limit the impact of war is through laws. A specific law that lessens the impact of war or prevents its damages from being on a maximum scale is the Rules of War or International Humanitarian Law. Such laws prevent civilians, medical staff or aid, injured service people, and prisoners from taking damage or further damage from the conflict. As we can see, the laws control the damages and the effects they can produce at large. The second method to limit the impacts of war is communication. Communication may produce wars but at the same time may also prevent or put an end to them. An example of communication proving its reliability is through peace talks and negotiations, which can be seen from the past until today.

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